What Makes Great Faith-Based Parents? (pt 5)

Reliance Upon the Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 4) Recently we have seen a growing emphasis on the Spirit in the Body of Christ. I know that talking about the Spirit can make some of us uneasy for a variety of reasons. Even if this is the case, let me encourage you to read on […]

What Makes Great Faith-Based Parents? (pt 4)

Great faith-based parents are citizens of heaven. What it means to be a citizen of God’s holy nation is something we should ponder. Today the world and  our nation may give us pause for concern.  We face what appears to be more and more pressure to conform to the world’s  narratives, ideas and beliefs.

What Makes Great Faith-Based Parents? (pt 3)

Seeing and Approaching Our Kids Like Jesus Last week we explored how our faith and relationship with Jesus can help us escape the pressure and expectations we face today as parents. Escaping the pressure at bay is essential if we want to keep our kids’ hearts close to us and encourage a faith that lasts.

What Makes Great Faith-Based Parents? (pt 2)

Escaping Pressure and Expectations as Parents Great faith-based parents are able to Escape Pressure and Expectations. This may be counter to what we have heard or believe. We have been told that high expectations lead to higher achievement. Is this true when living under pressure and a list of expectations increases stress, decreases patience, and […]

Focus on Progress Rather Than Destination! (pt 1)

Over 1,000 families signed up for our Influential Parenting Academy in just over four weeks. As a result I have been receiving more phone calls from parents related to their kids. Many of these calls come from parents who have finished the class and are about to begin the implementation process or have taken the […]

Parenting with Love (pt 1)

A rare voice from Heaven Only twice in the New Testament does God the Father speak audibly to mankind; once at the baptism of Jesus and secondly on a mountain when Jesus was revealed in glory to Peter, James and John. All of the first 3 gospels record the events. Not to be disrespectful in […]

Essential T’s of Family Connection: Talk (pt 3)

One of the three pillars that lead from Trust to Togetherness: One of the keys for family connection that builds a sense of togetherness is TALK, simple on its face, but complex in its execution. Our challenge as parents and grandparents is establishing a culture of communication that builds and encourages open communication and togetherness.  […]

Essential T’s of Family Connection: Trust (Pt 2)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart…“.  So begins Proverbs 3:5. And over a hundred times the Bible talks about trusting God. “Sure” you say, “God presents Himself, and is presented as totally trustworthy. He does not lie and is holy and without flaw. Trustworthiness flows out of His perfect character. So that means […]

Essential T’s of Family Connection (pt 1)

In the Book of Deuteronomy in the Bible God tells Moses “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]

Healing Our Heart: Healing Only Comes When the Heart is Opened (pt 4)

Given that our culture is not a culture of grieving it seems only natural that we would learn to stuff our feelings only to reach a point where our hearts shut down because of unresolved issues with our parents, others or things outside our control which lead to the amount of pain we carry inside.